Breast Cancer Awareness: Why You Need a Well-Woman Exam Today

A well-woman exam is an annual physical to monitor not only your reproductive health, but your breast health as well. It is essential for identifying serious health concerns before they become life-threatening. During a well-woman exam, your gynecologist will perform a manual exam of your breasts and feel for any lumps or abnormalities. If they detect anything unusual, they may recommend a mammogram or breast ultrasound.

Regular well-woman exams reduce your risk of serious health conditions

Annual health exams and screenings help diagnose issues before they become a serious health risk. Preventative screening and early intervention are vital and help protect you from conditions like:

  • Breast cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Gynecologic cancer
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

What happens at a well-woman exam?

Your annual well-woman exam is tailored to suit your specific needs and health concerns. Depending on your age, family history, personal health history, and need for preventive screenings, your doctor may also check your blood pressure, height, weight, or temperature. Here is what you can expect at a typical well-woman exam:

  • Clinical breast exam – Your gynecologist will manually examine your breast tissue and check for lumps or other abnormalities in and around the breast area and lymph nodes.
  • Pelvic exam (Pap smear) – During this exam your doctor will manually check your ovaries and swab your cervix to test it for signs of cervical cancer. During this part of the exam, a speculum is inserted into your vagina, so your doctor can examine your cervix and take a cell sample or Pap smear.
  • Mammogram – During this exam, an experienced mammogram technician will take two images of each breast and send it to your doctor and/or gynecologist for review. Mammograms are required for all women over the age of 40.

If you’re looking for a compassionate gynecologist who is skilled in performing annual well-woman exams, call Adriatica Women’s Health at 972-542-8884 for award-winning gynecologic care.

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