End Painful Symptoms and Revitalize Vaginal Health with a Short, Life-Changing Office Procedure

Older couple holding and looking at each other smiling against blurred out grass background

All women will experience menopause, the end of their child-bearing years. Along with menopause comes a drop in estrogen levels. For most women, this decrease in estrogen is accompanied by significant changes in their gynecologic health.

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The symptoms of these changes can include pain during intercourse and other vaginal symptoms — such as dryness, burning sensation, itching and laxity — as a result of a decrease in tissue thickness and natural lubrication. And these problems can have a considerable negative impact on a woman’s life, including discomfort, issues of intimacy, low self-esteem and diminished lifestyle.


Get real, lasting relief and improved gynecologic health… quickly and easily.

With MonaLisa Touch®, Adriatica Women’s Health’s OB/GYN specialists are now able to revitalize your vaginal health… quickly, easily and like never before. Historically, as many as 75% of women who experience these symptoms never seek a doctor’s help for their problem. In addition, medicine previously offered few options to successfully provide relief for the 25% who did seek it out. But with MonaLisa Touch, we now can provide relief and improved gynecologic health that women have been calling “life-changing.”


Gentle, in-office laser therapy proven to change women’s lives.

The MonaLisa Touch procedure at AWH takes less than 5 minutes per session and is performed in our office. Using laser energy, MonaLisa Touch stimulates new growth of collagen and elastin as well as revascularization in the vaginal wall. As a result, it is clinically proven to relieve symptoms in three treatments… with lasting results. But many women report a decrease in symptoms after the first treament session, which is as minimally invasive as — and often shorter than — a pelvic exam. In addition, treatment involves:

  • No anesthesia
  • Virtually no downtime
  • No hospital visit


Trust the award-winning, caring and dedicated women of AWH.

Since 2012, thousands of women have been treated successfully with MonaLisa Touch, revitalizing their gynecologic health and rejuvenating their lives. At Adriatica Women’s Health, our all-female team of doctors is passionate about this treatment because of its unprecedented success at restoring intimacy, comfort and a normal, healthy lifestyle. Highly credentialed and experienced, our OB/GYNs combine advanced capabilities and skill with compassion and a deep commitment to the highest standards of care.

You don’t have to suffer with the discomfort and life-altering gynecologic symptoms associated with menopause and decreased estrogen. Take the first step toward changing your life with MonaLisa Touch. Call us today at (972) 542-8884 to schedule your FREE consultation. You can also schedule an appointment using our easy online form.

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